Thursday 17 May 2012

Top Trend - Collars

Gossh, I'm in love with the 'collar trend'. They are so lovely, they give you a vintage feel and (to me) it actually reminds me of Peter Pan.

I think collars give you that extra touch, which can complete your whole outfit. That's why they're so amazing, because, for example, you don't have to worry about tons of jewelry/accessories or layering your outfits, which is not very pleasant in the spring/summer. And talking about seasons, you could wear a detailed collar whenever you want, throughout the year!

You can purchase collars or blouses with detailed collars at Zara, Primark, River Island etc, etc. But I know that some of you guys have an old blouse or shirt you actually don't use but still like. Can you feel it coming? Yes! Make your own! You can look stunning for the fraction of the cost!

My favorite would be the studded one. Which one is your favorite?




marykapsi said...

I'm in love with studs! :)
I wrote an article about studs also here
thanks for your comment

oldkicz said...

cute shirts!